Battlefield Tours

WW2TV: Cutting Hells Highway – Koevering

WW2TV: Cutting Hells Highway – Koevering

It’s been on YouTube for more than four years but I’d thought I’d post it here too. For the excellent WW2TV YoutTube channel by Paul Woodadge I hosted a Battlefield Livestream about the Cutting of Hell’s Highway at Koevering.

With my wife Dorien and good friend Edwin we were able to show live footage from multiple locations and give a comprehensive overview of the battle.

By Joris

My name is Joris Nieuwint and please let me be your tour guide! As a local who has lived in the Operation Market Garden area for most of my life, this battle is now part of my DNA, and I have been studying it for almost 30 years. Since 2012 I have been active as a Battlefield Guide and over the years I’ve have taken many individuals, small and large groups, relatives of veterans, school groups, and military groups and staff rides on tours all through Europe. What began with guiding in the Operation Market Garden area has since expanded to include the Hürtgen Forest and the Battle of the Bulge and more.

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